English Language Learners

Program Description

South Brunswick is a growing community with a diverse student population. Our district strives to give each student a quality education to prepare each child for success.

Most schools in the South Brunswick District provide a program for English Language Learners (known as ELL) to students who are living in a multi-lingual home. This program is also referred to as English as a Second Language (known as ESL).

The ELL program provides academic and emotional support to qualifying students as they learn English. Students are usually recommended by their classroom teachers and then assessed by the ELL teachers in order to qualify for ELL services.

For more information, please contact the ESL/ELL teacher at your child’s school.

Contact Information

Mr. Decker ELL Supervisor [email protected]
Mrs. Driessen Brooks Crossing/Deans [email protected]
Mrs. Furyk Brunswick Acres [email protected]
Ms. Kailey Indian Fields/Dayton [email protected]
Mrs. Moore Constable [email protected]
Ms. Zsido Monmouth Junction [email protected]
Mrs. Anzek Greenbrook [email protected]
Mrs. Falanga Cambridge [email protected]
Ms. Keck Pre-K Deans [email protected]
Mrs. Mishra Constable and Brunswick Acres [email protected]