In September 2002...
Brooks Crossing Elementary School was welcomed into the South Brunswick School District as the seventh elementary school. The school consists of two campus sites: Brooks Crossing at Deans Campus and Brooks Crossing Main Campus. The school derives its name from the natural geographic features that surround it. In the Dayton and Deans villages of South Brunswick Township, two brooks meander their way through the region. These brooks are the Lawrence Brook and the Spring Brook, and they serve as a fitting metaphor for the new elementary school. Both share a youthful energy and vibrant nature. For these reasons the school takes its name - Brooks Crossing Elementary School.
Today, Brooks Crossing is home to more than 800 students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grades. It is the school's mission, "to ensure that all students achieve educational excellence. Through a strong sense of community, a rich curricular program, an inspiring learning atmosphere, and a commitment to character, Brooks Crossing will prepare its students to become strong participants and leaders in the world community."
A Strong Sense of Community
Brooks Crossing places a strong value on community. This sense of community is evident in each classroom and the staff works hard to ensure that all students appreciate the richness in our school's diversity and celebrate each other's unique contributions to the school. A strong sense of professional community underscores the very collaborative work accomplished daily at the school. Opportunities are provided to ensure professional collaboration on all levels. All members of the Brooks Crossing team work together in order to deliver on the school's stated mission. The school enjoys a strong and supportive parent community. This is evidenced both in the Brooks Crossing Parent Teacher Organization as well as through the many parent volunteers who support our program.
A Rich Curricular Program
Instructional Best Practices are highly valued at the school and every effort is made to ensure that the Brooks Crossing students benefit from a program that focuses strongly on mathematics, reading, and writing. Additionally, the students work to explore and make sense of their world through a highly interactive, hands-on approach in science and social studies. Beyond this academic program, students benefit from regular instruction in the areas of art, health, library, music, physical education, technology and world language. Instruction is provided to meet the wide range of students' needs that the school serves.
An Inspiring Learning Atmosphere
Not only does the school enjoy bright and welcoming learning facilities, but it also enjoys a child-centered and encouraging learning environment where students are inspired to learn by a talented and dedicated staff. Through such initiatives as the Columbia Writing Program, Differentiated Instruction, Lesson Study, Responsive Classroom, Inquiry Based Learning and Technology Integration, the students are engaged actively in their learning.
A Commitment to Character
Brooks Crossing expects that its students will become enlightened and active members of the community. Through a variety of program initiatives, the students learn the important elements of good character and practice recognizing such character traits in their daily activities. The school's Responsive Classroom Approach, Peer Mediation and C.A.R.E.S. Character Program all contribute to the safe and caring learning environment at Brooks Crossing.
To view our school's New Jersey Report Card, please click here